Scientific Visa
One Year with renewal option according to the project
Cyprus welcomes Third Country Nationals to come and work as researchers and this is facilitated by the provision of a special visa / Temporary Residence Permit. As a first step, the Research Organization wishing to host a Third Country National Researcher needs to be approved by the Research and Innovation Foundation (RIF) in Cyprus. A list of organizations that have already been approved by RIF is available on the EURAXESS Cyprus website.
The application for acquiring a visa / temporary residence permit is submitted to and handled by the Civil Registry and Migration Department. The Temporary Residence Permit lasts for one year, so it is very important to renew the temporary residence permit every year until the end of the employment. A Hosting Agreement needs to signed between the Research Organization and the Third Country National Researcher where the Researcher undertakes to complete the research project and the Organization undertakes to host the researcher.
EURAXESS Cyprus Network, acting as part of the EU initiative for supporting the mobility of researchers, is offering assistance to any Researcher wishing to relocate to Cyprus.
The following documents are available on the website of the Civil Registry and Migration Department that is handling the applications for admitting third-country nationals for the purposes of scientific research:
Application for the grant of a visa ton an alien to enter Cyprus (Form 58)
List of required documents to be submitted
Application for the renewal of a temporary resident’s permit (Form61B)
a) Valid Travel Document, the validity of which should at least cover the duration of the residence permit.
b) Duly certified copy of Criminal Record issued by the relevant authorities of the country of origin officially translated in Greek or English.
c) Duly certified original Medical Certificate accompanied by medical examinations for Hepatitis B and C, AIDS, HIV, Syphilis and report of chest x-ray for Tuberculosis.
d) Hosting Agreement signed between the Research Organization and the applicant.
e) Statement of financial responsibility for the applicant issued by the Research Organization in accordance with section (4) article 18XB of the Law. (L.29(I)/2009)
f) Two recent colour photographs.
g) Receipt of payment of €100 for the application fees.
Form58.pdf (Μέγεθος Αρχείου: 65,33Kb)
Public and private Organizations wishing to apply to host third country nationals, should also make sure that the have been approved as “research organizations” by RIF. Once they are approved, RIF informs the Civil Registry and Migration Department.
- Application Form: Application for the Approval of a Research Organization under the “Aliens and Immigration (Amending) Law of 2009 (N.29(I)/2009)”
- List of approved research organizations: List of Approved Research Organizations under the “Aliens and Immigration (Amending) Law of 2009 (N.29(I)2009)”
Contact person: Dr. Angelos Ntantos, +357 22 20 50 33 | [email protected]
More information on the procedure to be followed can be found on the EURAXESS Portal:
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